awaiting payment

For some payment methods, it takes more time for the payment status t be updated. During Shopping Festival, there are more orders with limited discount and limited timeline for payment. In order to receive payment before order closed, please pay for your order as soon as possible.


Payment Method Timeline to Receive Payment Contact Information of Customer Service Team
within 7 working days Email: Tel: 55 41 32329913
within 7 working days Please contact your bank if there is any question.
within 6 days /
within 3 working days Please contact Western Union agency if there is any question.
within 3 days
within 1 working day /
within 1 day Website: Email: Tel: 8 800 555 80 99/ +7 (495) 974 3586 (RU) Service working time: 7*24 hours More questions:
within 1 day Website: Tel: 8-800-707-77-59
within 1 day Email: Tel: 55 41 32329913
SMS to be received within 15 mins /